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It was two weeks ago that in my sleep I dreamt of Dr. Roy Martina. Who? Dr. Roy Martina. The thing is: I only know this reknowned man from pictures with his name. I did not read any of his books, nor I worked with him before in this lifetime. But there he was: a radiating presence in my dream that night, two weeks ago.

It was a week ago or so that I scrolled down my emails. There are a lot of them since I do not yet archive and I am lazy to unscribe from newsletters. And there were a lot of newsletters in my mail. One of them was Nissandeh Neta's where I attended a Business Bootcamp 3 years ago or so, where after the tsunami of newsletters followed. Never opened any of them since. OK, maybe now and than one. But now, me scrolling down the emails, seeing Nissande's email on synchronology, something inside of me told me to open it. And I clicked to open the message. And there the MAGIC Message was written: 'Hi Pauline, I am going to give this one day seminar with...:Dr Roy Martina!' WOW. So, I listened to this calling of the Universe, ordered a ticket and drove to the event this morning. It took me some longer than expected, could not find the parkinglot, had to make some extra turns but finally found the entrance of the parkinglot. And who was just walking across the parkinglot connecting with me in a three second blink of a moment? Right. Dr. Roy Martina! Later performing on stage on the topic synchronology: a word meaning that when we are in sync (in tune with the universe), time will bring us there where we are supposed to be according the universe. "The Universe is talking Pauline" said Dr. Roy just after we posed for the photo. The only thing we have to do is listen and act upon it and wait till the dream comes true. And as Nissandeh told us today: it is only true when we can touch it;-) Well, a dream came true today:-)

Roy Martina - Pauline van Rijckevorsel

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